Frisella Nursery is proud of the fact that much of our inventory is locally grown by our talented staff of horticulturists and propagators. Along with our container growing operations at the main nursery in Defiance, we also have 100 acres of trees at our farm in Marthasville and we are excited to kick off the fall digging season at the farm!

Fall and winter are the best times to harvest the majority of tree species. Below is a brief list of species that we will be offering for fall. Contact our wholesale department to check availability and place your order!
Note – Not all plants are the same and some species are only safely dug in the spring. Those include oaks, birch, dogwood, magnolia, cherry, and elm
Click here for a guide to Frisella’s Farm Digging Schedule.
We start out the fall dig season with evergreens, since the deciduous trees still have a little bit of time before going into dormancy. While there are some that we only dig in the spring, this list shows what can be safely harvested from September through November.
- Juniper
- Spruce
- Pine
- Yew
- Arborvitae
- Hemlock
- Fir (borderline – better to wait until spring if possible)
Deciduous Trees
This is only a partial list of tree species available from the farm. We can dig several thousand trees a year from our growing operation, so contact our wholesale division if you don’t see what you’re looking for.
- Serviceberry
- Fringetree
- Ginkgo
- Lilac, Tree
- Amur Maackia
- Crabapple (dig in late winter)
- Black Gum (dig in late winter)
- Parrotia, Persian (dig in late winter)
- Hornbeam, European (dig in late winter)
- Maple (most are fall dug)
- Maple, Freeman (borderline – better to wait until spring if possible)
- Maple, Japanese (borderline – better to wait until spring if possible)
- Honeylocust (borderline – better to wait until spring)
- Linden (borderline – better to wait until spring)
The majority of the farm is dedicated to growing trees, but we do offer some shrubs in B&B as well. Boxwoods can be dug as early as September but the deciduous shrubs will need to wait until they defoliate, typically in mid to late October.
- Boxwood
- Burning Bush, Dwarf
- Buckthorn
- Viburnum
For all wholesale orders, please contact Juliana Kozik at (314) 683-6545 or